No orders shipped in week 18, since we are at World of Coffee in Korea. Last shipping before: Apr 24 (order deadline Apr 22!), first shipping after: May 10.
Free worldwide shipping sample pack available. Free domestic shipping for 5+ coffee bags. Europe/worldwide shipping CHF 18/22 for up to 6 bags. More about shipping here.
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Blog – News, Recipes, Insights and More

Rising Coffee Price

Categories: Coffee Knowledge
Perhaps you have already read about it or seen it yourself while buying coffee: the price for a bag of coffee is rising. In this post, we will briefly discuss some of the reasons and talk about our own prices.
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Direct Trade and Transparency


A lot has changed since we bought our first green coffee. Yet, we still follow the same values and principles we had defined back then. How do we purchase coffee and what are the most important things we consider when doing so?

We have purchased coffee from various producers and traders in the past. Today, we source the majority of the coffees we buy with the help of a few partners that have proven to be ideal for us to ensure a reasonable, sustainable and transparent trade.

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Brew Guides


Do you want to brew your favorite coffee from the café at home? We got you covered!

Brewing great coffee does not have to be complicated – and the recipes that help you with it do not have to be secrets.

Follow the recipes step by step and observe what's happening while brewing. After a while, you'll understand which parameters you need to tweak and adjust to reach the desired result.

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How fresh should coffee be?

Categories: Coffee Knowledge
Tags: Fellow

Generally speaking, fresh coffee is better than old coffee – but that's only part of the truth.

After roasting, coffee contains a lot of CO2, which escapes slowly throughout the following weeks. This is also the reason for the valve on the coffee bag (it's not there so you can smell the coffee): CO2 can leave the bag, which won't inflate, and oxygen won't get into the bag, which prevents a quick oxidation.

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